31 января 2010
42 ))) сорри без скринов )))

Посмотрим что там у нас дальше:


  • Fang Arrow (42)-Earth Crystal, Fang Arrowheads, Yagudo Fletchings, Arrowwood Lumber—These are superior in stats to Beetle Arrows in every way except they don’t quiver, which makes this an optional bridge because it will take a long time to sell 33 individual stacks. However, you can take your time selling them if you have the storage space, find a friend who needs them in batches, or bring the ingredients along for RNG and SAM.
  • Flower Stand (44)-Earth Crystal, Yew Lumber, Lauan Lumber--A bridge that's cheaper per synth, if unprofitable, than Fang Arrows, especially for those getting sick of the ton of Arrowwood Lumber you'll be making. Both lumbers are cheap at the Guild, but check the AH to see if you can't get a better deal on the Yew Lumber.
  • Rosewood Lumber (45)-Wind Crystal, Rosewood Log—This is also a bridge. Only do these if they are profitable and only to that extent. Each log should run you 2k, mostly at the AH, or did when I was at this stage. Commonly used for most Furniture synths at higher levels.
  • Bast Parchment (45)-Lightning Crystal, Elm Log, Distilled Water, Moko Grass--These used to be too expensive to make for skill. However, Logs are down enough in price now that I can recommend this as a possible bridge to Horn Arrows. Sell or re-use as is profitable (note: not necessarily Shihei). Alchemy 29 as a sub-skill. Please note that each synth makes 1 stack of Bast Parchment, so if you are going to skill up with this, either make sure you have enough space to store it or use it to make to make NIN tools.
  • Horn Arrow (49)-Earth Crystal, Arrowwood Lumber, Horn Arrowheads, Bird Fletchings-Pretty much the only use for Bird Fletchings, so if you can find someone making them, they’ll be ecstatic to get rid of them for cheap. Make these until you hit 49. They quiver, they sell well, and they are relatively cheap, because they are the best arrows from level 29 until level 40. You can try these right out of Beetle Arrows at level 39, but only with Advanced Support, or you risk too many breaks to be profitable.

TEST ITEM: Rose Wand: Wind Crystal, Rosewood Lumber, Black Chocobo Feather

Так ну я думаю, что не буду уходить от курса потому что у меня до сих пор полный инвентарь кристаллов земли и арровуд ламбер, так что возьмемся за последние стрелы из этого списка...тааак, посмотрим сколько стоят ингридиенты.. Horn Arrowheads за пачку 30000 гиль ого )))) Bird Fletchings за 5000 нормально...но в принципе если учесть что я получил и получу еще долгое время прибыль с шихей которой меня забиты аж 2 мула и с продаж этих всех стрел которых у меня теперь хватит на целую армию..я думаю можно себе позволить и потом нам понадобиться только 1 стак...я думаю я на 5 скиллов с одного стака наберу а там посмотрим дальше может что подешевле выйдет.

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