30 января 2010
Итак просмотрев рецепты которые по гайду советуют использовать для прокачки
Я пришел к выводу что буду прокачиваться на Beetle Arrow
Во первых, два из трех ингридиентов которые нужны для рецепта стакуются в пачку по 99 штук, помоему очень удобно ))) купил одну пачку и хватит до конца, во вторых их легко можно купить на аукционе, да стоят они конечно не дешево от 5000 до 10000 но Beetle Arrowheads можно только скрафтить поэтому в любом случае мне придется покупать, в вот Chocobo Fletchings можно сделать легко самому, но больше мороки и лучше просто купить на аукционе 99 штук за 5000 гиль. Arrowwood Lumber покупаеться у НПС в гильдии, стоит копейки.
Ну чтож проверим )


  • Book Holder (31)-Earth Crystal, Holly Lumber, Lauan Lumber--A bridge and not that expensive but doesn't return even 50% of costs. As I said earlier, 20-40 has gotten harder and harder of late. At this point, I'm advising these as part of the bridge into Arrow-territory, where you can cap at 39, 42, 49 and 59 on profitable and well-selling arrows.
  • Oak Lumber (35)-Wind Crystal, Oak Log—Oak is where lumber starts getting expensive per synth really quickly. You just want to bridge these until you can start Beetle Arrow (39), but only do if the lumber is profitable.
  • Beetle Arrow (39)-Earth Crystal, Beetle Arrowheads, Arrowwood Lumber, Chocobo Fletchings—Make these bad boys up to 39, sell for profit at AH. These are quiverable arrows as well, which is why they sell well, especially to RNG and SAM. Get used to the feeling of making arrows in batches of 99 synths at a time; they are several more stages just like this one.
    • Per Talk Page, please be aware that you'll have to make your own Fletchings. It's Clothcraft 2 and dirt-cheap. The Arrowheads are bit more problematic. They are Bonecraft 33 and can be hard to find on some servers.

TEST ITEM: Traversiere-Wind Crystal, Oak Lumber, Parchment: As with all NQ musical instruments, you might find it cheaper on the AH as a result of failed HQ attempts, or making your own might be cheaper. Whichever works.

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