08 апреля 2010

Final Fantasy XIV Alfa

Итак как мы знаем или нет в этот вторник началось закрытое альфа тестирование игры Final Fantasy XIV. Почему нет информации вы спросите?
Все просто - из достоверного мне источника я узнал, что было задействовано очень мало людей и они следят за каждым человеком. Появление скриншотов на стороне - мгновенное удаление аккаунта и пиши пропало...конечно никто не хочет светить ибо это редкий шанс.
Так же стало известно что дадут играть не постоянно а буквально около 3 часов в день несколько раз в неделю, потом когда игра войдет в бетта статус, сервера будут находиться в онлайн режиме намного дольше это и понятно.
Пока что альфа и бетта версия возможно только для игроков ПС.
ПС3 игроков начнут приглашать на стадии бетты 2.

Но в инете уже есть кое какая информация о альфа клиенте.
Пока выкладываю как есть потом самое важное переведу.


FINAL FANTASY XIV is a cross-nation, cross-platform massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG) that brings together people from all across the world to compete, cooperate, and communicate within the virtual fantasy realm known as Eorzea. While solo adventuring is always an option, most will agree that joining forces with their fellow gamers not only makes the game that much easier, but that much more fun as well!

The Alpha/Beta versions contain only a fraction of what is planned in the full version. This includes playable races and clans, character customization options, selectable classes, and available areas, to name a few.

  1. After logging in, select “New” from the Character Selection screen.
  2. Select your character’s race, clan, and gender.
  3. Choose a preset appearance for your character.
  4. Customize various aspects of your character’s appearance via the available menus.
  5. Select your character’s starting class.
  6. Select your character’s name, birthday, and guardian (patron deity).
  7. Input your character’s first and last name.
  8. Select the city-state in which you wish to begin your adventure.
  9. Finally, select “Enter” to create your character and begin the game.


In FINAL FANTASY XIV, a player’s class is determined by the arm or tool in his/her hand. The class chosen during character creation simply determines the items a player begins the game with. Players can change their class at any time by simply equipping different items they purchase, find, or create.

Note: In the Alpha Version, a character’s race, clan, gender, nameday, and guardian do not affect his/her attributes.

At the onset of the game, you will find yourself on a boat, though at this point your character is already within what is called an instanced area, meaning it will not be occupied by any other players.

Instanced areas, or instances, are areas in which only players directly related to or involved in what happens within may enter. The initial stages of gameplay in the Alpha Test will take place in instanced areas which only single players may occupy.

Instances will only be used for special events, such as the game’s opening sequence. For the most part, gameplay will take place within public areas occupied by any of a number of players.

As you progress through the opening event, the ship will eventually make port. After arriving, speak to the NPC Hob, who will be located directly ahead of you. At certain points in the game, Hob will present you with a list of options in accordance with your progress. For now, select the option presented to continue through the current event.

After speaking with NPC Hob and proceeding to the location to which you have been directed, there will be another NPC named Baderon who will present you with another set of options. After speaking to Baderon, you will automatically be transported from to a public area.

In public areas you will come across many other players. As fellow adventurers, it is up to you to make the most of your time in Eorzea together!

1. Name

The color of a display name reveals important information.

  • White – Other PCs
  • Blue – Party members
  • Green – NPCs
  • Yellow – Enemies
  • Red – Engaged enemies

Semi-Transparent Display Names

When the display name of a PC is semi-transparent, it indicates that player is currently in a different area than you. These PCs are still displayed on-screen to help contribute to the seamless transitioning between areas. However, players should note that party invites cannot be extended across areas.

2. Minimap

The minimap displays the immediate vicinity around you, the direction you are facing, the direction the camera is facing, and the position of various NPCs.

3. Log

This display contains all of the various logs used to display text within the game, such as the system log, combat log, and chat log. Players may input text by selecting the chat prompt area.

4. Unit Frame

The unit frame displays various aspects of your character*s status, such as HP, MP, and TP.

5. Connection Status

1. Action Bar

This bar displays the various commands available for use in relation to the PC or NPC you are currently targeting.

2. Action Gauge

This gauge tells how much time is left before the next action may be executed. Though there are a few exceptions, for the most part all attacks, abilities, weapon skills, and spells require that the action gauge be full.

For certain classes, a secondary action gauge will appear when a shield is equipped in the off hand. All shield-related commands will make use of this gauge.

The action gauges of the main hand and off hand are entirely independent of one another. Should a character have a shield equipped in their off hand, two action gauges will be displayed simultaneously.

3. Effect Gauge

The effect gauge comes to life once the action gauge has completely filled. When a command is executed, the state of the effect gauge will determine certain bonuses to factors such as accuracy, power, or potency. These bonuses apply to all actions, both physical and magical.

Passive Mode and Active Mode

“Passive Mode” is the designation given to the state in which a player’s arm or tool is not drawn. In this mode, hit points regenerate automatically. “Active Mode” refers to the state in which a player’s arm or tool is drawn. In this mode, various battle commands are available, but movement speed is reduced in comparison to passive mode.

Arms and Tools

There are a vast array of arms and tools in FINAL FANTASY XIV which allow players to assume the role of any of a number of classes. However, the following conditions should be kept in mind when changing equipment.

Equipping Arms: Players must be in passive mode and not engaged with an enemy.

Equipping Tools : Players must be in passive mode.

During the Alpha Test phase, there will be a total of nine types of arms and tools available (swords, hand-to-hand weapons, axes, polearms, bows, conjurer arms, thaumaturge arms, hammers, and pickaxes). Players can change their class simply by virtue of changing the arm or tool they have equipped in their hand.

The Flow of Battle

  1. Ready an arm or tool, changing from passive mode to active mode.
  2. Target an enemy.
  3. Select a command from the action bar, and make use of the action and effect gauges to execute it effectively.
  4. Strategize with other party members, deciding upon an appropriate Battle Regimen.
  5. Gain victory in battle to be rewarded with experience and skill points.
  6. Obtain and distribute any loot dropped by the enemy.

Battle Regimen

Battle Regimens are combat tactics which party members may employ against a single enemy. By coordinating and executing battle commands in a precise order, players may cause certain additional beneficial effects to occur.

A Battle Regimen begins with the stacking of battle commands. All party members who wish to take part in the Battle Regimen must stack their actions in the correct order against the desired target. One of the members then initiates the Battle Regimen, and the stacked actions will be executed automatically.

Step 1: Consult with other party members to determine the best Battle Regimen to use against a specific target. The battle commands and the order in which they are to be executed should all be decided.

Step 2: Wait until your position in the queue comes around to switch to Battle Regimen mode and select the battle command you wish to stack.

Step 3: After all participating party members have stacked their battle commands, one of the party members selects to initiate the Battle Regimen.

Step 4: Once the Battle Regimen is initiated, the stacked battle commands will all be executed automatically, chaining together to create additional effects.

Please note that factors such as distance from the enemy may prevent stacked battle commands from being executed once the Battle Regimen is initiated. In these cases, the Battle Regimen will not end, but will instead proceed on to the next command in the queue.

Enemy Toughness

An enemy’s degree of difficulty is represented by the color of the circle located in the extreme left portion of the unit frame. This display takes into account whether the player is solo or a member of a party.

  • Red – Incredibly Tough
  • Orange – Very Tough
  • Yellow – Tough
  • Green – Decent Challenge
  • Blue – Easy Prey

Physical Levels and Skill Ranks

In FINAL FANTASY XIV, a character’s progress is measured in two ways. Physical levels represent one’s actual physical development, while skill ranks measure how adept one is with various arms and tools.

Characters gain physical levels by accumulating a certain amount of experience points. (During the Alpha Test phase, experience points will be obtainable only by achieving victory in battle.)

Skill ranks are gained by accumulating skill points from various endeavors, such as combat or crafting. As a character’s skill rank increases, they will learn new actions, such as abilities and weapon skills.

Physical level and skill rank caps will be set at 20 for the Alpha Test Phase.

Setting Actions for Use

Actions that have been acquired by a character can be set to the action bar for use. During the Alpha Test phase, the maximum number of actions available at any given time will be limited to 20.

Barring a few class-specific exceptions, actions will be available for use even when using a class different from the one on which the action learned. However, the power and efficacy of each action is determined by its affinity with the character’s active skill.

The Spoils of War

Any items received after a battle will be placed in a player’s loot list. During party play, items are distributed randomly to the lists of each member.

After a certain period of time, items on a loot list will be automatically moved to a player*s inventory. Should the player’s inventory be full, the items will be lost.

Items on a loot list are not considered in a player’s possession until they are added to his/her inventory. Until then, any items, including those which are rare (untradeable) and unique (players can possess no more than one), can be transferred to another party member’s list.

Items received while mining/quarrying will also be added to the loot list before being moved to a player’s inventory.

If a character’s HP is reduced to 0, he/she will be “knocked out” and no longer able to move or act. A character can be revived by selecting “Return” from the main menu and choosing a destination from the listed aetheryte camps or aetherial gates.

If a character is KO’d while participating in a levequest, he/she will be teleported back to the corresponding aetheryte.

For the duration of the Alpha Test, characters KO’d will receive a weakness penalty which will not only lower total HP, but also reduce the speed with which their action gauge fills, as well as increase the length of casting times. This penalty will last five minutes before wearing off.

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